
Friday, September 13
7:00 pmRegistration & Reception
8:00 pmOpening Worship (Holden Evening Prayer)
Saturday, September 14
8:30 amBreakfast
9:15 amMorning Prayer
9:30 amSession I. Peter, Who Didn’t Get It (but Jesus loved him anyway)
10:45 amCoffee
11:00 amSession I continued
12:30 pmLunch
1:30 pmFree Time
6:00 pmSupper
7:30 pmSession II. How Jesus Loves Us Anyway (although we sometimes/often don’t get it)
9:00 pmEvening Worship
Sunday, September 15
8:30 amBreakfast
9:15 amSession III. What Happened When Peter Got It (and Jesus’ invitation to us to do likewise)
11:00 amClosing Eucharist
noonLight lunch & Farewell